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Meet The Team



D. Huy Dang

Associate professor, environmental chemistry, Trent University

- Research gate - Google Scholar -


B.Sc. in Biology-Life Science (2006-2009), University of Toulon, France

M.Sc. in Environmental Chemistry (2009-2011), University of Toulon, France

Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry (2011-2014), University of Toulon, France


CURRENT TEAM (alphabetical order)

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David Boettcher 

PhD candidate (2023-)


BSc. Trent University


Guntaash Brar

MSc student (2025-)


BSc. Chandigarh University


Minh Duong

PhD candidate (2022-)

- Co-supervision with Dr. Karen Thompson

Research Assistant (2021-2022)


BSc. Trent University

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Almat Kabyl

PhD student (2025-)


MSc. Nazarbayev University

BSc. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

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Ashlyn Kernaghan

Accelerated MSc student (2022-)

Honour thesis (2021-2022)

Research Assistant (2021)

USRA awardee (2021-2022)


BSc. Trent University

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Jack Lahey​

USRA awardee (2024)

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Shivani Nadkarni


MSc student (2024-)

Honour thesis student (2023-2024)

Research Assistant (2024)


BSc. Trent University​



Tri Nguyen


SEED Exchange student (2024-2025)


BSc. Ho Chi Minh City University of Science​


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Sandesh Rana


MSc student (2025-)


BSc. Tribhuvan University


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Oshadhi Ranasinghe


Research Assistant (2024-)

- Co-supervision with Dr. Karen Thompson


MSc. Trent University



Aissatou Sow


Ph.D. student (2023-), Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique 

- Co-supervision with Dr. Claude Fortin



Quyen Tran


Ph.D. student (2023-)

- Co-supervision with Dr. Karen Thompson


MSc. Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

BSc. Can Tho University


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Yuanyuan Wang, Ph.D.


Postdoctoral researcher (2025-)


PhD. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

BSc. Shandong University of Science and Technology


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Ruby Wetzl


MSc student (2021-)

- Co-supervision with Dr. Karen Thompson


BSc. Trent University

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Kaileigh Wright


MSc student (2023-)

- Co-supervision with Dr. Karen Thompson


BSc. Trent University

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Yinan Yang


Research Assistant (2024-)

- Co-supervision with Dr. Karen Thompson


MSc. Nipissing University

BSc. University of Guelph

ALUMNI (Chronological and alphabetical orders)

Sam Gottschalk - 2023/2024 - Honour thesis student

Helen Zheng - 2023 - Summer Undergraduate student

Gillian Johnson - 2022/2023 - Research Assistant 

Nicole Pollock - 2021/2022 - Honour thesis student

Haegeun Kim - 2021 - Placement student

Kevin Marrs - 2020 - Placement student

Allison Sikma - 2020 - USRA Awardee

Anique Chatzis - 2019/2020 - MSc student

Hang Nguyen - 2019 - Summer student

Zhirou Zhang - 2019 - Summer student

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